Racism and inequity are real problems in scholarly book publishing, at both structural and individual levels. This panel discussion addresses those issues head-on and offers insight and strategies for scholars who are preparing to navigate the process of pitching and publishing their academic books.

While some general demystification of the publishing process is included in the discussion, this is not another colorblind publishing panel. This will be a chance to have your experiences validated and to learn from publishing professionals who have faced similar issues in their own careers, in both academia and academic publishing.

This "course" is comprised of a recorded panel discussion that took place in November of 2021. When you sign up you will get access to the video recording, audio recording, a full transcript, a written  summary of key points from the discussion, a list of resources and funding sources for scholarly authors, and contact information for the panelists.

The panelists were Jenny Tan (University of Pennsylvania Press), Dominique J. Moore (University of Illinois Press), Karma R. Chávez (University of Texas at Austin). The panel was hosted by Laura Portwood-Stacer (Manuscript Works).

Hi, I'm Laura Portwood-Stacer.

I'm a publishing consultant, developmental editor, and the author of The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors (Princeton University Press, 2021). Through my online courses and workshops, I've helped thousands of academic writers craft outstanding book proposals and connect successfully with editors at university presses and other scholarly publishers. Find out more about me and what I do at ManuscriptWorks.com.

Register to access the discussion

Navigating Scholarly Publishing as a Racially Minoritized Author

When you sign up for this free "course," you will get access to a video recording, audio recording, and full transcript of a panel discussion that took place in November 2021. You will also get access to a written summary of key points from the discussion, a list of resources and funding sources for scholarly authors, and contact information for the panelists. This is not a live or interactive course.

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